Kingdoms of Fire
In a war-torn world, Dauntless invades the Kingdom of Elyssium, leaving siblings Elara and Elian orphaned. Instead of fleeing with refugees, they join the army, vowing to protect each other. However, their bond fractures due to constant arguments, especially over Ivory, the general’s daughter and Elian’s girlfriend. Ivory’s charisma and growing influence have made her a rising power within the army, with many soldiers rallying behind her, threatening to outshine the established command. After failed assassination attempts, Ivory is assigned to lead an army in a secret location.
Elian grows aggressive and sadistic, clashing with Elara’s more peaceful approach, while his blind devotion to Ivory deepens the rift. After a heated dispute, Elara goes to a secret camp, but is kidnapped by General Kael, Dauntless' leader and the man she blames for her parents’ deaths. Kael, calculating and ruthless, sees Ivory as a dangerous threat to his plans, with her growing popularity making her a target for assassination.
This marks their first direct confrontation off the battlefield.
Status | In development |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Authors | Ría, Mark Rivera |
Genre | Interactive Fiction |
Made with | Twine |
Tags | dialogue, Fantasy, Narrative, Twine, War |
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